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Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about simplifying and interacting with your documents using AI.

This brief introduction provides clarity about what the FAQ section covers and emphasizing our platform's core value proposition.

You can upload a wide range of documents, including PDFs, Word documents, Excel sheets, and more. Our platform supports legal documents, financial statements, medical reports, business plans, academic papers, and many other formats. If your document has text, we can help you analyze, summarize, and interact with it.

We take your privacy very seriously. All documents are encrypted during upload and storage. We use state-of-the-art encryption protocols to ensure your data is safe. Additionally, we do not store your documents permanently; they are deleted after processing, or after a specific period as defined by our data retention policy.

Yes, DocDocTalk is designed to process sensitive documents like legal contracts, medical reports, and financial statements. Our advanced AI algorithms provide summaries, rewrites, and analyses while maintaining data confidentiality and security.

Depending on your subscription plan, there may be limits on the size or number of documents you can upload at a time. Our basic plan includes generous limits suitable for most users, while our professional and enterprise plans offer increased limits to accommodate higher usage needs.

DocDocTalk offers a range of AI-powered features including document summarization, question-answering based on document content, key point extraction, translation, sentiment analysis, and more. Our goal is to make it easy for you to understand and interact with your documents quickly and efficiently.

Yes, DocDocTalk provides collaboration features for teams. Multiple team members can access shared documents, leave comments, ask questions, and view analyses in real-time. Our platform is designed to enhance productivity and collaboration for businesses and organizations.

With DocDocTalk, you can instantly search within your documents, ask specific questions, and get AI-powered answers. You can also generate concise summaries, extract key points, rewrite complex sections, translate text, and analyze sentiment—all designed to help you understand and utilize your documents more effectively.

Yes, DocDocTalk allows you to upload multiple documents or versions and analyze them side-by-side. You can compare legal contracts, financial statements, or different drafts to quickly identify changes, similarities, and discrepancies, making it easier to make informed decisions.

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