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How it works

DocDocCondo simplifies association documents by leveraging AI to provide clear, actionable insights that improve communication for boards, managers, and residents.

Our platform helps you understand bylaws, meeting minutes, and community rules without the headaches of document searches or legal interpretation.


Two Ways to Implement DocDocCondo

Embed in Your Website

Add our chat widget directly to your association's website with a simple code snippet. Residents can get instant answers without leaving your site.

Use Our Platform

Direct residents to our dedicated portal where they can access all association documents and get AI-powered answers 24/7.

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Many associations choose both options for maximum flexibility and accessibility. Our solution adapts to your community's needs, providing seamless document access however your residents prefer.

Reduce support calls by up to 95% while improving resident satisfaction and transparency.

Upload Documents
Upload Association Documents

Property managers or board members upload bylaws, rules, meeting minutes, contracts, or any other documents they judge relevant to the community.

Ask Questions
Ask Questions or Share Access

Provide 24/7 self-service answers to common questions about fees, policies, amenities, rules or basically anything related to the community.

Board members and property managers can quickly retrieve information for faster decision-making.

Save Time
Reduce Calls and Legal Expenses

Save time (up to 95% time savings) and money. Improve transparency and communication between managers, board members, residents, and realtors.

Start Your 30 Day Free Trial Today

Experience how DocDocCondo can transform your association's document management—upload your bylaws or meeting minutes and see how simple community communication can be.

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