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10 min Read

Terms & Conditions

Terms of Service for HOA/Condo Document Assistance

Welcome to DocDocCondo/DocDocHOA, services provided by Articule LLC ("Company"). These Terms govern your use of our AI-powered document analysis platform specifically designed for homeowners associations, condominium boards, and related stakeholders. By using our Services, you acknowledge these documents may contain legally binding provisions and our AI interpretations are not substitutes for professional review.

2. Use of Services (Enhanced)

The Services provide AI-generated interpretations of HOA/Condo documents including but not limited to:

  • Governing documents (CC&Rs, bylaws, rules & regulations)
  • Meeting minutes and resolutions
  • Estoppel certificates and disclosure documents
  • Vendor contracts and service agreements

All AI-generated summaries, interpretations, and answers must be verified against original documents and confirmed with qualified legal counsel or association management professionals before implementation or reliance.

3. Enhanced Disclaimers

3.1 Document-Specific Disclaimers

You specifically agree that:

  • AI interpretations of governing documents do not constitute legal advice regarding enforcement or amendment
  • Financial document summaries cannot replace certified accountant review
  • Meeting minute analyses do not override official board resolutions

3.2 No Reliance Clause

You expressly agree not to make any of the following decisions solely based on Service outputs:

  • Imposing fines or assessments
  • Approving/rejecting architectural modifications
  • Initiating legal actions
  • Amending governing documents

6. User Responsibilities (Expanded)

In addition to general obligations, you specifically agree to:

  • Cross-verify all AI outputs with original document versions
  • Consult licensed professionals for binding interpretations
  • Maintain separate archival copies of all original documents
  • Ensure all uploaded documents are current and officially adopted

12. Contact Information

For verification of any Service output, contact:
legal-verification@docdoccondo.com (response within 72 hours)