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Realtor Tool: Streamline Property Sales and Leases

Provide realtors with quick access to key documents for faster sales and leases, and fewer bottlenecks.

Accelerate Property Sales and Leases

Speed up the sales and leasing process by giving realtors instant access to essential property documents. DocDocCondo helps you organize and share critical information that buyers, renters, and their agents need, eliminating delays and streamlining transactions.

Empower realtors with immediate access to the information they need to close deals and secure tenants.

Key Benefits

  • Faster Transactions: Provide instant access to estoppel certificates, bylaws, and financial documents for both sales and leases.
  • Reduced Admin Work: Eliminate repetitive document requests and manual information sharing.
  • Better Transparency: Give potential buyers and renters clear insights into community rules and financials.